
Thursday, June 30 / 9:00 - 10:30

1. Remembering Jim Vaupel (1945-2022) (Note: 9:30 - 10:30)
2. Poverty, precariousness and job separations
3. Spatial mobility over the life course
4. Migrant Populations: attitudes and contextual factors

Thursday, June 30 / 11:00 - 12:30

5. Migration and Health
6. Genetic and family effects on children
7. Intergenerational relations and inequality
8. Mobility, Health and Wellbeing: Insights from six research projects
9. Policy Issues
10. Internal Migration and Urbanization
11. Flash session: intersections of family formation and employment during the life course
12. Fertility in uncertain times
13. Novel Perspectives in Fertility Research

Thursday, June 30 / 14:00 - 15:30

14. COVID-19 mortality across groups and subpopulations
15. Residential dynamics and neighbourhood composition
16. Labour Market and Parenthood
17. Union formation and dissolution
18. The impact of policies on demographic outcomes
19. Flash Session: Fertility and the COVID-19 Pandemic
20. Adding Healthy Life Years to Our Lives
21. International Migration
22. Transition to Adulthood

Thursday, June 30 / 16:00 - 17:30

23. Legal status and life course of immigrants
24. Consequences of childhood family for adult life courses
25. Advancements in Mortality analysis
26. Flash Session: Entries and Exits from the Labour Market
27. Development, Gender, and the Environment
28. Flash Session: Covid and the Family
29. Current debates around retirement and mortality
30. Health, Wellbeing and Morbidity
31. Historical Demography

Thursday, June 30 / 17:45 - 19:15

P1. Postercafe

Friday, July 1 / 9:00 - 10:30

32. Labor Market Dynamics and Fertility
33. Gender and family
34. Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health
35. Modelling Migration, Mobility and Positioning
36. Alcohol, smoking, and obesity attributable mortality
37. Divorce determinants
38. Methodological innovations in the study of mortality
39. Migrant Populations
40. Mortality in the 19th and 20th centuries

Friday, July 1 / 11:00 - 12:30

41. Internal migration and family dynamics
42. Health and ageing of immigrants
43. Homogamy and intermarriage
44. Low and Middle Income Countries' Fertility Dynamics
45. Skills development – opportunities and outcomes
46. Lifelines. A Multi-Disciplinary Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study
47. Educational attainment and fertility
48. Data and Methods

Friday, July 1 / 14:00 - 15:30

49. Health and Quality of Life of Older People
50. Union formation
51. Recent trends of internal migration
52. Education and Health
53. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health
54. Flash Session: Disparity and Variation in Mortality
55. Fertilty Dynamics in a Comparative Perspective
56. Mortality and Longevity

Friday, July 1 / 16:00 - 17:30

57. Family Dynamics, Work Conditions and Health
58. Childlessness and parenthood in the life course
59. Networks, exchange, and care
60. Risk factors and depression risk
61. Work and the family
62. New Methodological Approaches in Fertility Research
63. New data sources on international migration
64. Flash Session: International and Internal Mobility
65. Causes and consequences of mortality in early life in historical Europe

Saturday, July 2 / 9:00 - 10:30

66. Drivers of international migration
67. Infertility and Reproductive Health
68. Divorce and children
69. Family and child outcomes
70. Digitalisation and remote work
71. Flash Session: Inequalities in Life Expectancy, Disability and Health
72. International perspectives on mortality
73. Issues in health data analysis

Saturday, July 2 / 11:00 - 12:30

74. Environmental Impacts on Health
75. Child care and family
76. Families, health, and healthcare
77. Timing of Fertility
78. Improvements in forecasting methods
79. Trends and patterns in international migration
80. Fertility among immigrant populations
81. Ageing and Intergenerational Relations