Effects of the Parental Leave Scheme on Fertility Behaviour in Estonia •
Sanan Abdullayev , Tallinn University; Mark Gortfelder, Tallinn University; Martin Klesment, Tallinn University; Allan Puur, Tallinn University.
Cost of Child-Care for Parents – Evolution of Regional Inequality •
Mare Ainsaar , University of Tartu; Mona Sõukand, University of Tartu.
Uniting Demography and Social Movement Scholarship: How Protests Affect Transition into Marriage in Ethiopia •
Liliana Andriano , University of Oxford; Effrosyni Charitopoulou, Collegio Carlo Alberto; Mathis Ebbinghaus , University of Leipzig.
Mortality Indicators for Beneficiaries of the RGPS and Assistance Support for the Elderly – A Preliminary Exercise based on INSS Records •
Graziela Ansiliero, Institute of Applied Economic Research; Felipe Azevedo , Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).
Estimating and Forecasting Bilateral Migration Flows from Europe to South America, 1986-2060 •
Andrea Aparicio-Castro , University of Manchester; Dilek Yildiz , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Michaela Potancokova, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Arkadiusz Wisniowski, University of Manchester.
Spatial Patterns of Obesity in the Netherlands, and Its Association with (Un)Healthy Food Store Accessibility •
Benjamin Aretz , University of Rostock, University of Groningen; Rafael Costa , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)-KNAW/University of Groningen; Gabriele Doblhammer , University of Rostock Institute for Sociology and demography; Fanny Janssen , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen.
Geographical Distance to Children and Internet Use among Older Europeans •
Bruno Arpino , University of Florence.
The Relationship between Joint Physical Custody and Mothers’ Well-Being. An Analysis of Life Satisfaction, Depressiveness, and Stress •
Lara Augustijn , University of Duisburg-Essen.
The Health Transition in Hungary after the Regime Change, Convergence of Sub-Regions – an Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Approach •
Lajos Bálint , Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO).
Health Differences between Migrants in the Host Country and Non-Migrants in the Home Country: The Case of Albanians in Italy •
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso , Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca; Eralba Cela , University of Milan; Eleonora Trappolini, University of Milan-Bicocca.
EU-15 Immigrants Language Integration on Twitter •
Beatriz Sofia BS Gil Clavel , Max Planck Institute for demographic Research; André Grow, University of Leuven (KU Leuven); Maarten J. Bijlsma, 2. Unit PharmacoEpidemiology & PharmacoEconomics (PE2), Department of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Changes in Personal Attitudes and Perceived Public Opinions Towards External Childcare During the Family Formation Phase •
Samira Beringer , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Martin Bujard , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Sabine Diabaté, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
The French Generations and Gender Pilot Survey: Internet versus Telephone, or Both? •
Ruxandra Breda-Popa, INED; Milan Bouchet-Valat, French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED); Arianna Caporali , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Géraldine Charrance, INED; Efi Markou, INED; Thomas Merly-Alpa, INED; Laurent Toulemon , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
Childbearing Motivations of Fertility Desires and Intentions in Norway •
Elisa Brini , University of Oslo; Trude Lappegard , University of Oslo; Lars Dommermuth , Statistics Norway; Monika Mynarska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw; Alyce Raybould, University College London.
Housing Costs and Fertility in the United Kingdom •
Brian Buh , Vienna Institute of Demography.
FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study: Framework, Objectives, Design, and How it Started in Two Years of the Pandemic •
Martin Bujard , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Tobias Gummer, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Mannheim; Karsten Hank , University of Cologne; C. Katharina Spieß , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Norbert F. Schneider, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Vocational and Academic Educational Aspirations among Students with and without a Migratory Background in Italy •
Alessio Buonomo , University of Naples Federico II; Giuseppe Gabrielli, University of Naples Federico II; Giustina Orientale Caputo, University of Naples Federico II; Giuseppe Gargiulo, University of Naples Federico II.
TFR Trends since 2000: a Decade up, a Decade down – but Why? •
Marion Burkimsher , University of Lausanne.
Mortality Statistics in Colombia, 1998-2019: an Analysis of Demographic Data Sources. •
Liliana P. Calderón-Bernal , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).
INED DataLab’s Mortality and Health Databases: Valuable Sources for Comparative Research •
Arianna Caporali , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Etienne Couppié, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED); Iris Hourani, Institut national d'études démographiques INED; Svitlana Poniakina, Insitut National D'Études Démographiques.
The Transition from Cohabitation to Marriage in Spain: Differences and Determinants in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples •
Anna Caprinali , University of Trento.
Underlying Mechanisms in the Pioneers and Followers Macro-Pattern: Using Agent Based Models Informed by Survey Data. •
Jose Ignacio Carrasco , University of Oxford, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS).; Joelle Mak, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Martin Hinsch, University of Southampton.
A Quasi-Cohort Trend Analysis of Adult Overweight in Colombia •
Paula Andrea Castro Prieto , Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; Jeroen Spijker, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED); Joaquín Recaño Valverde, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
The relationship between screen time, socio-economic background and adolescent wellbeing: A time diary study of 14-year-olds •
Grace Chang , University of Southampton.
Her and His Loneliness in Partnership.
Dyadic Approach in Finding Determinants of Life Quality among Older Partners in Europe. •
Milena Chelchowska , SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Work-Family Life Courses and Later-Life Health in China •
Jianji Chen , Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED-CERCA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Sergi Vidal , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Jeroen Spijker, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED).
Systemic and Non-systemic Facilitation and Restriction for African Student Mobility from Africa to China •
Lin Chen , KU Leuven, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Grandparents in Italy: Trends and Changes in the Demography of Grandparenthood from 1998 to 2016 •
Elisa Cisotto , Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Eleonora Meli, Istat; Giulia Cavrini, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
Citizenship Acquisitions and Geographical Mobility in Italy between 2011 and 2019 •
Andrea Colasurdo , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Cinzia Conti, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT); Roberto Impicciatore , University of Bologna; Rottino Fabio Massimo, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT).
Later Fertility and Birth Intervals: A Comparison of Progressions to a Second Child between France and Spain •
Marie-Caroline Compans , Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital; Eva Beaujouan , University of Vienna (Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital); Cristina Suero , University of Vienna.
The Sex of Children and the Probability and Timing of Subsequent Births: Comparative Analysis for European Countries •
Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska, University of Warsaw; Magdalena Grabowska , University of Warsaw.
Cluster-Based Demographic Typology of Rural and Suburban Municipalities: Case of Latvia •
Aleksandrs Dahs , University of Latvia; Juris Krumins, University of Latvia.
The Right Place. The Relation between Living Environment and Suicide Risk in Belgium. •
Joan Damiens , University of Helsinki.
Immigration and Population Renewal on a Metropolitan Scale: The Case of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area •
Osama Damoun , Center for Demographic Studies; Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco, Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED), UAB; Andreu Domingo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Assessing the Level of Undercounting in the International Migration Flows Reported by Eurostat •
Maciej J. Danko , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Emanuele Del Fava, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Arkadiusz Wisniowski, University of Manchester; Emilio Zagheni , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).
“Happy Accident?” Couples’ Reproductive Decision-Making and the Role of Gender, Power and Reproductive Autonomy in the Netherlands. •
Billie de Haas , University Of Groningen.
Impact of Mitigation Policies and Socioeconomic Position on SARS-CoV-2 Incidence in Italian Provinces •
Luca Dei Bardi , University of Helsinki; Giulia Cesaroni, Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region; Nera Agabiti, Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Region.
Leaving Home by Gender and Destination in Southern Europe: New Ways, Old Ages •
Alberto Del Rey Poveda , University of Salamanca; Mikolaj Stanek, University of Salamanca; Jesús García Gómez , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre D'Estudis demogràfics (CED).
Living Arrangements and Low Birthweight: Evidence from Spain •
Chiara Dello Iacono , Universidad de Salamanca; Miguel Requena, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED); Mikolaj Stanek, University of Salamanca.
Re-Partnering and Single Mothers’ Health and Life Satisfaction Trajectories •
Philipp Dierker , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Mine Kühn , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Temporal trends in the incidence of atrial fibrillation-related strokes in Sweden, 2000-2017 •
Mozhu Ding , Karolinska Institutet; Alexandra Wennberg, Karolinska Institutet; Louise Dencker Ziegler, Danderyds sjukhus; Karin Modig , Karolinska Institutet.
Regional Characteristics of the Second Wave of Sars-Cov-2 Infections and Covid-19 Deaths in Germany: A Machine Learning Approach •
Gabriele Doblhammer , University of Rostock Institute for Sociology and demography; Daniel Kreft, University of Rostock; Constantin Reinke, University of Rostock.
Household and Context-Level Determinants of Birth Registration in Sub-Saharan Africa •
Anne Lieke Ebbers , Radboud University Nijmegen; Jeroen Smits , Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
History of Population Censuses and the Rapid Progresses over the Last Decade •
Tomiwa Fapohunda , University of the Western Cape. Statistics and Population Studies dpt; Nancy Stiegler, University of the Western Cape. Statistics and Population Studies dpt.
Coherent Lee-Carter Method with Smoothing and Adjusting for Lifespan Disparity •
Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi , Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka; Stefano Mazzuco , University of Padova; Heather Booth, Australian National University; Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Australian National University.
Functional Data Analysis Approach in Population Studies: An Application to the
Gender Gap in Life Expectancy •
Alessandro Feraldi , Sapienza University of Rome; Virginia Zarulli, University of Padova, Department of Statistics; Stefano Mazzuco , University of Padova; Cristina Giudici, Sapienza University of Rome.
Cause-of-Death Data and the Most Important Sources of Their Deficiencies •
Agnieszka Fihel , Institut national d'etudes démographiques / ICMigrations.
Differences in Late-Life Depression among Intra-European Migrants •
Maximilian Frentz-Göllnitz , University of Rostock, University of Groningen; Benjamin Aretz , University of Rostock, University of Groningen; Gabriele Doblhammer , University of Rostock Institute for Sociology and demography.
Patterns and Determinants of Elderly Workers' Retirement in Japan •
Nobutaka Fukuda , Tohoku University.
The Transfer Cost of Parenthood in Europe •
Robert I. Gal , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Marton Medgyesi, TARKI, Social Research Instiute and Centre for Social Sciences; Pieter Vanhuysse, University of Southern Denmark.
Changing Linkages between Gender Role Attitudes and Fertility in the Selected European Countries During 1990-2017 •
Dovile Galdauskaite , Vytautas Magnus University.
Return from the Metropolis to the County Region: Motives of Returned Migrants in China •
Yueyue Gao , University of Groningen.
Completed Fertility of Women: What Difference Does Exogamy Make? •
Annegret Gawron , University of Rostock; Nadja Milewski , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany.
Policy Responses to COVID-19 in the European Union: Impacts of School Closure on SARS-CoV-2 Transmissions Across Urban and Rural Areas •
Daniela Ghio , University of Catania; Massimiliano Bratti, Università degli Studi di Milano; Simona Bignami , Université de Montréal; Nikolaos Stilianakis, Joint Research Centre European Commission.
Estimating Age Patterns of Net-Migration across European Municipalities •
Daniela Ghio , University of Catania; Claudio Bosco, Joint Research Centre European Commission; Fabrizio Natale, European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Jan Loeschner, Joint Research Centre European Commission; Anne Goujon , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
Only children and cognitive ability in childhood: a cross-cohort analysis over 50 years in the U.K. •
Alice Goisis , University College London; Jenny Chanfreau, University College London (UCL); George Ploubidis, UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies; Vanessa Moulton, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, University College London.
Gender and parenthood in shaping circulation patterns: the case of temporary migrants from Ukraine to Poland •
Agata A. Górny , University of Warsaw; Govert Bijwaard, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality in Slovenia and Croatia •
Vera Graovac Matassi , University of Zadar; Damir Josipovic, Institute for Ethnic Studies.
Life-Course Patterns of Perceived Infertility and Number of Births: Evidence from German Panel Data •
Arthur Greil , Alfred University; Desmond Wallace, Alfred University; Martin Bujard , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Jasmin Passet-Wittig , Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany; Michele Lowry, Alfred University; Julia McQuillan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Retirement Age and Later-Life Employment by Gender: The Survival Trees and Ensemble Survival Models Approaches •
Wioletta Grzenda , SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Why Rural and Urban Sex Ratios among Young Adults Are Skewed in Most Countries of the World •
Michal Gulczynski , Bocconi University.
Household wealth and life expectancy in India: 1990-2016 •
Aashish Gupta , Harvard University.
The Impact of Migration and Integration Policies on Migrant-Native Labor Market Hierarchies •
Martin Guzi , Masaryk University; Martin Kahanec, CEU; Lucia Mýtna Kureková, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Educational Field and Fertility Decline in Finland in 2010–2019 •
Julia Hellstrand , University of Helsinki; Jessica Nisén , University of Turku; Mikko Myrskylä, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood:
Differences between Boys and Girls and Children of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants •
Juul Henkens , NIDI; Helga A. G. De Valk , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW), University of Groningen; Matthijs Kalmijn , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Research Institute NIDI/University of Groningen.
The demographics of Weibo users in China •
Ole Hexel , Max Planck Institut für demografische Forschung; Wenqing Qian, Fudan University; Emilio Zagheni , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Ridhi Kashyap, University of Oxford; Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute.
The Lasting Invisibilization of Women's Domestic, Home-Based, and Salaried Work: “Working” and “Non-Working” Women in the French Censuses (1861-1896) •
Agnès Hirsch , PhD student at the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) and the Paris-Dauphine University.
“At the edge of their next life-course stage: residential choices of rural young adults starting their career and residing without a partner.” •
Henk Hofstede , University of Groningen; Koen Salemink, University of Groningen; Tialda Haartsen , University Groningen.
Retrospective View of Familial Relationships and Childbearing Intentions •
Izabela Huczewska , University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw, Institute of Psychology; Monika Mynarska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.
The Obesity Pandemic in the Developing World •
Janine Huisman , Radboud University Nijmegen; Jeroen Smits , Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
A Matter of (in)Congruence: Attitudes toward Women’s Childlessness and Their Relation to Occupational Sex Segregation •
Valeria Insarauto , Université de Lausanne; Danilo Bolano , University of Florence.
Substitution between Internal Migration, Long-Distance Commuting, and Teleworking:
Do Past Migration Experiences Matter? •
Sunganani Kalemba , The University of Queensland; Aude Bernard , University of Queensland.
Fertility Roller Coaster in Kazakhstan after the Collapse of the Soviet Union •
Maxim Kan , Stockholm University.
The Emergence of Health Gaps in Early Life in France: Effects of Childhood Deprivation •
Yuliya Kazakova , Institut national d'études démographiques (INED); Lidia Panico , CRIS, Sciences Po; INED; Marion Leturcq, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
Gender Asymmetries and Son Preference across Birth Cohorts of Women: A Study of Parity Transitions in Kyrgyzstan •
Konstantin Kazenin , Stockholm University; Vladimir Kozlov, Nazarbayev University.
Association between Skills Mismatch and Depression/Anxiety in Korean Workers: Using the 5th Korean Working Conditions Survey •
Wooseong Kim , Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA); Sanghwa Ahn, Seoul National University.
Temporary Migration and the Level and Timing of Childbearing – Analysis in the Low Fertility Context •
Weronika Kloc-Nowak , University of Warsaw; Agnieszka Fihel , Institut national d'etudes démographiques / ICMigrations.
Religion and fertility in Finland - evidence from longitudinal register data •
Martin Kolk , Stockholm University; Jan M. Saarela, Abo Academy University.
Bilateral Migration Estimation via Agent-Based Modelling •
Xinyi Kou , University of Manchester; Arkadiusz Wisniowski, University of Manchester; Natalie Shlomo, University of Manchester; Eduardo Fe Rodriguez, University of Manchester.
Divorce and Diagnosis: The Role of the Marital History for Illness after Divorce in Germany •
Michaela Kreyenfeld , Hertie School of Governance; Daniel Brüggmann, Hertie School, Berlin; Martin Brünger , Charité Berlin; Paul Gellert, Charité Berlin.
Partnership Histories and Social Fatherhood as Pathways into Childlessness among Men •
Axel Peter Kristensen , University of Oslo; Trude Lappegard , University of Oslo.
Employment Changes among Immigrants and Their Descendants in Four European Countries •
Hill Kulu , University of St Andrews; Isaure Delaporte , University of St Andrews; Chia Liu , University of St. Andrews; Andreas Höhn, University of St. Andrews; Gunnar Andersson , Stockholm University.
Contribution of Education in the Changing Female Wage Structure in the Last Three Decades in India •
Kaushalendra Kumar , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Ankita Shukla, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Abhishek Singh , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).
Population Ageing in Italy: A Study on Retirement from 1995 to 2020 •
Maria Herica La Valle , Univeristy Roma Tre; Cecilia Reynaud, Università Roma Tre.
The Necessity, Feasibility, and Utility of Using the Minimum European Health Module to Measure Generic Health •
Patrick Lazarevic , Vienna Institute of Demography; Marc Luy , Vienna Institute of Demography; Martina Brandt, TU Dortmund University.
Employment Characteristics of Women during Childbearing Period and Subsequent Workplans •
Fruzsina Leitheiser , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Zsuzsanna Veroszta , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.
Cumulative Reproductive Life Histories and Grip Strength in Indonesia: 1993-2014 •
Tiziana Leone , LSE; Heini E. Vaisanen, University of Southampton; Firman Witoelar, Australian National University.
Detached Childhood: Overall Life Satisfaction among Child and Young-Adult Immigrants in Europe •
Oriya Levy , Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Internal Migration during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy: A First Assessment •
Francesca Licari , Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT); Frank Heins , Irpps-CNR; Cecilia Reynaud, Università Roma Tre.
Does Compulsory Schooling Interact with Genetic Predisposition to Impact Cognition? Evidence from the Elsa Study •
Yan Liu , University of Oxford.
Diversity of Social Media Use: Self-Selection Effects Explain Associations Between Using Many Platforms and Well-Being •
Sophie Lohmann , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Emilio Zagheni , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).
The Impact of Parenthood on the Gender Division of Paid and Unpaid Work in China •
Rui LU , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
On the Relationship between Climate Change and Three Outcomes Related to Gender Equality in Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Systematic Literature Review •
Jasmine MacLean , University of Vienna; Erich Striessnig, University of Vienna; Roman Hoffmann , Wittgenstein Centre - IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU; Raya Muttarak , Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
Diabetic Patients – Use of Outpatient Health Services by Selected Specialties •
Katerina Maláková , Charles University, Prague.
Fertility of Immigrants: Patterns of Family Formation around Migration of Immigrant Women in Belgium •
Leen Marynissen , University of Antwerp; Karel Neels , University of Antwerp; Jonas Wood , University of Antwerp.
Leaving Home among Recent Cohorts in Italy:
Does Economic Uncertainty Matter? •
Silvia Meggiolaro , Università di Padova; Fausta Ongaro , Università di Padova.
The Social Network and Health of Refugees Recently Arrived in Germany •
Daria Mendola , Università degli Studi di Palermo, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement (SPPEFF); Annalisa Busetta , University of Palermo; Micaela Arcaio , University of Palermo, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement (SPPEFF).
Fertility in Italian regions: analysis and estimation of cohort indicators •
Sara Miccoli , Sapienza University of Rome.
Individual and Contextual Level Impact of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) on Modern Contraceptive Use in India: A Multilevel Analysis •
Catherine Moughalian , University of Groningen; Tobias C. Vogt , MPI for Demographic Research; Arathi P Rao, Manipal University; Ashish Srivastava, University Medical Center Groningen; Josue Almansa, University Medical Center Groningen; Regien Biesma, University Medical Center Groningen.
Childcare in Italy among migrants: who gets what, and why? •
Eleonora Mussino , Stockholm University; Livia Elisa Ortensi , Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.
Differences in the Perception of the Division of Care in Couples •
Tabea Naujoks , Rostock University.
Temporal Dynamics of Violent Mortality in Colombia. The Impact of Violence on Colombian Life Expectancy and Lifespan Inequality •
Rafael Navarro , Phd Student.
Assessing the Importance of Assimilation for Chinese Immigrant Fertility in the United States •
Lauren Newmyer , Pennsylvania State University.
On the Association between Parenthood, Number of Children and Expectations of Old-Age Welfare •
Tomass Nielsen , Tallinn University.
Living Apart Together in Spain. Different Meanings According to Life Stage: Choice or Constraints? •
Momoko Nishikido , Queen's University Belfast; Teresa Castro Martin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (csic).
Pandemic Babies? The Fertility Response to the First Covid-19 Wave Across European Regions •
Natalie Nitsche , Australian National University; Aiva Jasilioniene, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Jessica Nisen, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Peng Li, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Maxi Kniffka, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Gunnar Andersson , Stockholm University; Christos Bagavos, Panteion University; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton; Ivan Cipin, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Demography; Susana Clemente, Center of Geographic Studies (CEGUL); Lars Dommermuth , Statistics Norway; Peter Fallesen, Rockwool Foundation; Dovile Galdauskaite , Vytautas Magnus University; Mathias Lerch , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (epfl-eth); Cadhla McDonnell, Pennsylvania State University; Arno Muller, INED; Karel Neels , University of Antwerp; Olga Poetzsch, Federal Statistical Office; Diego Ramiro, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); Bernhard Riederer , Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/OAW, Univ. Vienna); Saskia te Riele, Statistics Netherlands; Laura Szabó , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Laurent Toulemon , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Daniele Vignoli , University of Florence; Krystof Zeman , Vienna Institute of Demography; Tina Žnidaršic, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia; Mikko Myrskyla, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
What Is behind the Geographic Distribution of the Elderly? Spatial Patterns of the Aging Population in Spain •
Joaquín Osorio Arjona , IEGD-CCHS Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); J. Sebastian Ruiz-Santacruz , Spatial National Research Council - Center for Human and Social Sciences; Carlos Muñoz Díaz, IEGD-CCHS Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Clara Bueno López, IEGD-CCHS Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Diego Ramiro Fariñas , Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
To Return or Not to Return: Understanding the Impact of Transnational Family Ties and Social Networks on Immigrants’ Return Migration from the Netherlands •
Özge Elif Özer , University of Groningen.
Determining Factors in the Historical Decline in Marital Fertility in Italy •
Roberta Pace , Università di Bari Aldo Moro; Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte, Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain); Alberto Veira Ramos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Do Natural Amenities Still Matter? An Empirical Study on China’s Internal Migration •
Xiuxiang Pan , University of Groningen; Sierdjan Koster, University of Groningen; Dimitris Ballas, University of Groningen.
A Life Course Analysis of the Abandoned Children Living in 19th Century Lisbon •
Joana Vieira Paulino , Institute of Contemporary History - NOVA FCSH.
Violence Against Women through the Lens of Human Development •
Fernanda Pavez Esbry , United Nations Development Programme; Yu-Chieh Hsu, United Nations Development Programme; Carolina Rivera, United Nations Development Programme.
Using Multilevel Regression with Post-Stratification to Improve Abortion Incidence Estimation •
Marija Pejcinovska , University of Toronto; Monica Alexander, University of Toronto.
Their Money, Whose Labor? The Effect of a Positive Income Shock on Gender Equality in the Home •
Elena Pojman , Pennsylvania State University.
Undernutrition among Roma and Non-Roma Children in the Balkans: Prevalence and Determinants of Persistent Inequalities, 2011-2020 •
Chiara Puglisi , University of Bologna; Annalisa Busetta , University of Palermo; Valeria Cetorelli, United Nations.
Effects of disability benefits on health status and demand of healthcare services •
Luis Quijano-Ruiz, Ecuadorian Development Research Lab; Marco Antonio Haro , Pennsylvania State University; Omar Galarraga, Brown University.
Do More Egalitarian Men Experience Less Union Dissolution?
Reconsidering Men's Roles in Gender Theories of Family Change •
Liat Raz-Yurovich , Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Barbara Okun; Matanel Ben-Avi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
How many lives do we live?. . . and some surprising corollaries thereof. •
Adrien Remund , Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Caring in Young Life: What Are the Consequences for Education Attainment and Health? •
Elisenda Rentería , Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; Mariona Lozano , CED, Centre for Demographic Studies; Jeroen Spijker, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED).
Socioeconomic Differences and Perceived Discrimination amongst Linguistic Groups in Europe (2018) •
Matias Reus-Pons , Universitat de les Illes Balears; Joana Mª Petrus Bey, Universitat de les Illes Balears; Miquel Àngel Coll Ramis, Universitat de les Illes Balears.
Fertility by standard of living •
Didier Reynaud , Insee.
Intentions, postponement and late fertility: Analyses of urban-rural differences •
Bernhard Riederer , Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/OAW, Univ. Vienna).
Break Offs in Web Surveys of the Generations and Gender Programme: Patterns and Predictors •
Arieke J. Rijken , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.
Parenting Ideals and Transition to Parenthood •
Kerstin Ruckdeschel , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
The Effects of Urban Environmental and Living Conditions on Subjective Well-Being: The Case of German Foreign Service Employees •
Heiko Rüger , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Stefanie Hoherz, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Norbert F. Schneider, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Herbert Fliege, Federal Foreign Office; Maria M. Bellinger, Federal Foreign Office; Brenton M. Wiernik, University of South Florida.
The Rise in the Parental Absolute Age Diference and the Fertility Outcomes in Spain •
J. Sebastian Ruiz-Santacruz , Spatial National Research Council - Center for Human and Social Sciences; Francisco Viciana, Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia; Stanislao Mazzoni, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); Diego Ramiro Fariñas , Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Morbidity Patterns of Hospitalization and Associated Out of Pocket Expenditure: Evidence from NSSO (2017-2018) •
Amiya Saha , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).
Fertility Behaviour and Migration: A Comparison between Urban Refugees and Local Populations •
Ebru Sanlitürk , Max Planck Institute for demographic Research; Leo Azzollini , University of Oxford - Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science; Vytenis Juozas Deimantas , NIDI; Selin Koksal, Bocconi University.
The Mean Age at Death (MAD): An alternative to life expectancy? •
Markus Sauerberg , Federal Institute for Population Research; Marc Luy , Vienna Institute of Demography.
Single Mothers by Choice? Trends in Single Mothers’ Socio-Economic Profiles and Mode of Conception in Belgium, 1996-2020 •
Christine Schnor , UCLouvain.
Childcare Policy Reforms:
The Dynamic Interplay of Childcare Quality and Availability on Mother’s Employment Re-Entry •
Henrik-Alexander Schubert , Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Better Ask Online when It Concerns Intimate Relationships?
Differences between Modes of Data Collection for Questions regarding Relationship Quality in a German Experiment of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) •
Almut Schumann , German Federal Institute of Population Research (BiB); Detlev Lück, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Health Consequences of Later-life Marital Dissolution: The Role of Marriage Order •
Jiaxin Shi , University of Wisconsin-Madison.
K.A.P. Siddhisena , Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Demography, University of Colombo.
Linkages between exposure to greenness and COVID-19 mortality: An area-level analysis in India. •
Ankit Sikarwar , National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED); Ritu Rani , International Institute For Population Sciences; Géraldine Duthé , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Valerie Golaz, INED.
The Same-Sex Civil Unions in Italy •
Maura Simone , Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT); Antonella Guarneri , Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT).
Son preference in India: new evidence using small-area estimation techniques •
Abhishek Singh , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Ashish Kumar Upadhyay, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Kaushalendra Kumar , International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Ashish Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay; Fiifi Amoako Johnson, University of West Coast; Sabu S. S. Padmadas, University of Southampton.
Who Decides on Marriage? The Role of Partners’ Intentions in the Progress of Relationships •
Dominika Perdoch Sladka , Masaryk University.
The Impact of Assisted Reproduction Technologies on Timing and Quantum of Fertility •
Anna Štastná , Charles University, Prague; Jirina Kocourková, Charles University; Boris Burcin, Charles University in Prague.
Rural Return Migration: Exploring Agency and Timing over the Life Course •
Annett Steinführer , Thünen Institute of Rural Studies; Tialda Haartsen , University Groningen.
Opportunities for social influence on fertility behaviour among Dutch women •
Gert Stulp , University of Groningen.
The Relationship between Age at First Birth and Final Family Size: Does It
Depend on Women ´s Education? •
Cristina Suero , University of Vienna.
The Impact of Migration Flows on the Population Structure of the Northern Swedish Inland, 1900-1950 •
Samuel Sundvall , Umeå University, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.
Health Inequalities at Birth within the Hungarian 2018-2019 Birth Cohort: Socioeconomic Differences of Low Birth Weight Infants •
Laura Szabó , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Julianna Boros , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.
Are Voluntarily Childless Men Judged More Harshly than Women? •
Ivett Szalma , Centre for Social Sciences- Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence; Maria Letizia Tanturri, University of Padova.
The Distribution of Unpaid Domestic Work in Hungarian Stay-at-Home Father – Working Mother Families •
Éva Sztáray Kézdy , Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary; Zsófia Drjenovszky, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.
Epidemics and Fertility Change: Responses to Zika and COVID-19 in Singapore •
Poh Lin Tan , National University of Singapore; Joan M Ryan , University of Pennsylvania; Jeremy W Lim-Soh , National University of Singapore.
Time trends in cancer incidence and cancer-free life years – developments of income inequalities in breast and prostate cancer based on German health insurance data •
Fabian Tetzlaff , Robert Koch-Institute; Jens Hoebel, Division of Social Determinants of Health, Robert Koch-Institute; Jelena Epping, Hannover Medical School; Siegfried Geyer, Hannover Medical School; Juliane Tetzlaff , Hannover Medical School.
Estimating Working Life Expectancy Using German Health Insurance Data – Advantages and Limitations •
Juliane Tetzlaff , Hannover Medical School; Jelena Epping, Hannover Medical School; Siegfried Geyer, Hannover Medical School; Stefanie Sperlich , Hannover Medical School; Fabian Tetzlaff , Robert Koch-Institute.
Who Stays in Their Birthplace? The Role of Intergenerational Birthplace-Ties in Young Adults’ Migration or Staying Behaviour •
Jonne Thomassen , University of Groningen; Emma Lundholm , Umeå University; Gunnar Malmberg, Umeå University.
The Human Multiple Births Database (HMBD): An International Database on Twin and Other Multiple Births •
Catalina Torres , Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle; Arianna Caporali , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Gilles Pison , Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle.
Long Term Trends of Educational Assortative Mating and Age Difference between Partners in Four Contexts •
Alessandra Trimarchi , University of Vienna; Ignacio Pardo , Universidad De La República; Laurent Toulemon , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
The Consequences of the Educational Gradient in First Births for the Intergenerational Transmission of Education •
Alessandra Trimarchi , University of Vienna.
Active Retirement? The Impact of Retirement on Leisure Activity Engagement. •
Orlaith Tunney , Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI-KNAW); Kène Henkens , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Hanna van Solinge, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
Why Supercentenarians Are so Frequent in French DOM? •
Jacques Vallin , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
Statistical Gender Discrimination: Evidence from Young Workers
across Four Decades and 56 Countries •
Lucas Augusto van der Velde , FAME|GRAPE, SGH, UW; Joanna Tyrowicz, FAME|GRAPE, IZA, UW.
Single Mothers’ Labour Market Position and the Interplay between Repartnering and Migration •
Roselinde van der Wiel , University of Groningen.
Fertility Postponement, Economic Uncertainty, and the Increasing Income Prerequisites of Parenthood •
Daniël van Wijk , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Francesco Billari, Bocconi University.
How Do Existing and Newly Diagnosed Chronic Health Conditions Affect Older Workers’ Vitality and Worries about Functional Ability? •
Anushiya Vanajan , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University Medical Center Groningen; Ute Bültmann, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Health Sciences, Community & Occupational Medicine; Kène Henkens , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
Barriers to Adult Education Participation within Senior Population in Latvia •
Zane Varpina , SSE Riga.
Capturing the Mode •
Paola Vazquez-Castillo , University Of Southern Denmark; Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Interdisciplinary Center on Population Dynamics (CPop), University of Southern Denmark; James W. Vaupel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and Max Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging.
Women’s Family Life Courses after Union Dissolution: A Comparative Analysis •
Sergi Vidal , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Maike Van Damme , Centre D'Estudis Demografics (CED).
Cultural Similarities Predict Migration over and above Shared Location, Shared Language, and Shared History •
Carolina Coimbra Vieira , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Sophie Lohmann , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Emilio Zagheni , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).
Against the Grain: Sweden, International Migration, and the Depression of National Life Expectancy Levels •
Matthew Wallace , Stockholm University; Sven Drefahl , Stockholm University.
Stars Make the Difference: Does Military Rank Effect the Long-Term-Survival of Military Academy Graduates– Causation or Selection? •
Ronny Westerman , Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany; Allan Mazur, Syracuse University; Ulrich O. Mueller, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Fertility Behaviors and Social Media: Do They Cluster Together? •
Jet Wildeman , Radboud University; Sandor Schrijner, Radboud University Nijmegen; Jeroen Smits , Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Women’s Economic Empowerment and Children’s School Outcomes: The Case of Malawi •
Eunice M. Williams , University of Southampton; Heini E. Vaisanen, University of Southampton; Sabu S. S. Padmadas, University of Southampton.
Which Pathways Lead to Employment? The Effectiveness of Varying Types of Training Programmes for Unemployed Jobseekers •
Jonas Wood , University of Antwerp; Karel Neels , University of Antwerp.
Does Grandparental Childcare Availability Affect Women’s Fertility Intention? Evidence from Chinese Female Migrants in Spain. •
Mengyao Wu , University of Salamanca; Alberto Del Rey Poveda , University of Salamanca.
The Long-Term Association between Exposure to Epidemic and Later-Life Health Behaviors and Outcomes •
Hongwei Xu , Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY); Sha Wen, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics; Hong Zou, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
Reversed Revolution? Gender Division of Market and Household Work in the Low-fertility Environment in Poland •
Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak , SGH Warsaw School of Economics; Wojciech Latkowski , Warsaw School of Economics; Marta Marszalek, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics.
Using geodesic distances on complete Swedish kinship networks to estimate occupational clustering •
Ole Hexel , Max Planck Institut für demografische Forschung; Yann Renisio , CNRS; Tobias Dalberg, Uppsala University.