Friday, July 1 /
11:00 - 12:30
Heymans building room 0306
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Session 41 Internal migration and family dynamics
Chair: Sandra Krapf , Federal Institute for Population Research
Family Ties and Linked Lives in Rural Staying •
Sara Ferguson , Queen's University Belfast; Gemma Catney, Queens University Belfast; Tialda Haartsen , University Groningen; Annett Steinführer , Thünen Institute of Rural Studies.
Understanding Couple Migration towards Core and Peripheral Regions: The Role of Men's and Women's Education •
Niels Kooiman , Statistics Netherlands; Marjolijn Das, Statistics Netherlands.
Residential Mobility in Childhood and Union Dissolution Later in Life •
Alon Pertzikovitz , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) / KNAW/ University of Groningen; Sergi Vidal , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Helga A. G. De Valk , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW), University of Groningen.
Search for a Socially Sustainable Everyday Life. Motives for Counterurban Moving Families in Sweden •
Erika Sandow, Department of Geography, Umeå University; Emma Lundholm , Umeå University.
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Internal Migration and Urbanization