Leaving Home among Recent Cohorts in Italy: Does Economic Uncertainty Matter?

Silvia Meggiolaro , Università di Padova
Fausta Ongaro , Università di Padova

This paper analyses whether the process of leaving home is changing among recent cohorts of young Italians in comparison with previous cohorts, traditionally leaving home later compared to their counterparts in other European countries. We focus on the changes with reference to: a) timing and reasons of exit, and b) role played by (individual) economic uncertainty on the pathway of exit. We used retrospective data from the pooling of two rounds of a survey conducted by ISTAT in 2009 and 2016 and apply even-history models. Results show that, in comparison with previous cohorts, both male and female of younger cohorts have a lower risk of leaving parental home to live with a partner, but, whereas this lower risk persists for men, whatever the exit, at the opposite, female have a higher likelihood of leaving home for non-union related reasons. Younger cohorts also show a differentiated role of economic uncertainty.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Postercafe