Gender and parenthood in shaping circulation patterns: the case of temporary migrants from Ukraine to Poland

Agata A. Górny , University of Warsaw
Govert Bijwaard, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

Migration and family trajectories are linked contributing to the complexities of individual life course paths spanning regional and national borders. Studies in this field usually interrogate impact of migration on familial trajectories and focus on long-term and permanent migration, while research on temporary and circular migration is scan. The goal of the paper is to fill this gap, by taking a different, if not reverse, perspective. It is to evaluate the influence of the family situation (with the focus on parental status) of temporary migrants on duration of stays in the destination country and intervals between them, attending to differences between male and female migrants in this regard. The research is inspired by the economic conceptual frameworks according to which duration of cycles of circular migration is shaped by migrants’ strive to maximise economic gains from the migration, while minimising separation costs with the sending society, mainly with the family. The analysed case is Ukrainian migration to Poland characteristic of prevalence of temporary and circular labour migration, which beginnings date back to the late 1980s. Data analysed in the paper derive from the survey on Ukrainian migrants in Warsaw agglomeration (main migrants’ destination area in Poland) conducted in 2019 (N=1319) with the help of the respondent-driven sampling method. Analytical strategy involves multi-episode (for recurring events) survival models. The planned research is to contribute to the two important fields of demographic research: studies on family and migration.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Postercafe