Violence Against Women through the Lens of Human Development

Fernanda Pavez Esbry , United Nations Development Programme
Yu-Chieh Hsu, United Nations Development Programme
Carolina Rivera, United Nations Development Programme

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is the most obvious manifestation of deep power imbalances in our societies, having as a consequence severe forms of inequality. It is intrinsically linked to human development and the capabilities approach. This paper describes the conceptual and analytical links between VAWG and human development. Using the latest VAWG data, the paper also analyzes their possible correlations, finalizing with an empirical case study application through the case of Papua New Guinea. It is important we understand and analyze violence as a system in relation to human development as it impacts women’s ability to exercise their freedoms, choices, and human rights.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Postercafe