The Effect of Partnership Long-Term Care Insurance Program on Employment

Emma Zai , Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research
Yinan Liu, Renmin University of China

Informal caregiving is costly for caregivers. However, the costs might differ depending on the type of care provided and the gender of the caregivers. Only a few existing studies have examined how the labor market effects of caregiving vary depending on the type of informal care provided. Using the detailed information about informal caregiving and labor market outcomes in the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data for 1992 to 2014, I show that informal caregivers are less likely than non-caregivers to participate in the labor force. I also find that there are large differences in selection bias by the type of care and the gender of the caregivers.

No extended abstract or paper available

 Presented in Session 7. Intergenerational relations and inequality