Friday, July 1 / 16:00 - 17:30 Munting building room 0061

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Session 62
New Methodological Approaches in Fertility Research

Chair: Danilo Bolano , University of Florence

1. Combining a Two-Sex Model of Births with Decomposition Methods to Explain Changing Fertility PatternsChristian Dudel , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.

2. The Older, the Better? The Causal Effects of Parental Ages on Children’s Educational PerformanceMichael Grätz , Université de Lausanne, Stockholm University; Felix C. Tropf , University of Oxford; Torkild Hovde Lyngstad , University of Oslo.

3. Tempo Effects in Period TFR: Inspecting the Role of Shape and Scale Variations.Stefano Mazzuco , University of Padova; Lucia Zanotto, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.

4. Using Dynamic Microsimulation as an Integrated Modelling Framework to Assess the Impact of Rising Education and Variation in Economic Context on Past and Future Fertility Trends.Karel Neels , University of Antwerp; Leen Marynissen , University of Antwerp; Jonas Wood , University of Antwerp.

5. Scenarios of Fertility Postponement and Associated Cohort Fertility LevelsMaria Winkler-Dworak , Vienna Institute of Demography; Maria Pohl, CED-UAB; Eva Beaujouan , Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital.

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